Monday, November 26, 2018

Preventing Prescription Drug Abuse

man picking up medication at pharmacy
The abuse of prescription medication, particularly opioid painkillers, has become a public health crisis in the United States. Understandably, this has many people worried about their own safety when being prescribed these potentially addicting medications. The truth is, most non-drug abusing patients who are prescribed painkillers do not become addicted. If you are worried that you have addictive tendencies, here is how you can prevent prescription drug abuse.
Give Accurate Medical History – When you visit the doctor, give them a detailed and accurate medical history. You should also described the reason for the visit as accurately as you can. This ensures that you will be given the appropriate medication for your condition.
Follow All Directions Carefully – Read all labels carefully and take all prescription drugs exactly as prescribed. Make sure you take note of the side effects and any potential interactions with other medications that you take. Be sure to tell your doctor about all of the side-effects you experience.
Keep Dose Steady – Do not change your dose and do not stop taking a medication without consulting your doctor first. Beginning and coming off of prescription medication should be directed and monitored by your doctor.
Do Not Use Medication Not Prescribed to You – This one is obvious: if your name is not on the prescription, do not take it. People who do abuse prescription drugs often become addicted because they took a medication that was not prescribed to them.
AIC. American Integrity Courses offers online substance abuse courses that you can complete on your own schedule. Enroll in a court-ordered course today at for as little as $10.

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