If you are a recovering addict, you may be spending your holidays away from your addiction recovery support system and sober routines. This can make you more vulnerable to relapse. But there are effective ways you can prepare for this challenging season. Maybe take an online drug and alcohol course and use these top three practical tips to help you avoid relapse and stay sober during the holidays and beyond.
Have Sober Strategies in Place
Develop plans ahead of any holiday event that could potentially
trigger relapse to substance abuse. This may mean attending a Twelve Step
meeting before or after the event or making sure you can leave gatherings at
any time and are not dependent on anyone for transportation.
Adjust Your Attitude
Talk with your sponsor, an addiction expert, or a professional counselor
about the expectations you have around the holidays. An online drug and alcohol course may
advise recovering addicts to do this if replaying childhood memories during
this time of year.
Avoid Known Risks
If you know Aunt Camilla is going to grill you about rehab, avoid her. If
Uncle Stan will try to mix you a stiff drink, stay away from him. If the office
party is all about drinking, make a brief appearance, or don't attend. It is
unrealistic to think you can soldier through all of these events.