Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Demonstrating Your Willingness to Change

adult couple holding hands
Drug use and alcoholism ruins the lives of your loved ones. Even if your spouse or partner chooses not to leave, you simply owe it to your family to do better. By taking the initiative to prove your willingness to change, you’ll have a happier future to look forward to.
Enroll in Classes
Completing an online drug and alcohol course will show your commitment to making a change - and since you can take the classes online, you won’t have to worry about missing work or rearranging your schedule. By the end of the course, you’ll have a personalized certificate of completion to prove you’re taking the steps to get better.
Sign Up for Therapy
Therapists who specialize in addiction recovery can often help people set empowering short-term goals as they work to overcome their addiction. Your loved one may prove more forgiving when she hears you’ve been attending sessions to save your relationship.
Evaluate Your Inner Circle
If you have friends or other family members who partake in drugs and alcohol, the pressure to join can be troubling. However, if your friends never called you out when your behavior became dangerous (or even pushed you to use more), they are likely contributing to your addiction. Real friends will support your decision to create a healthy, productive and sober lifestyle - even if it isn’t a choice they are ready to make for themselves right now.

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