Monday, December 31, 2018

Enjoy a Safe New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is the biggest party of the year, with celebrations often involving a few adult beverages. Everyone gathered to ring in 2019 will want to have a memorable night and having a few drinks is a great way to unwind, relax, and enjoy the company of friends. There’s nothing wrong with drinking responsibly - as long as you don’t get behind the wheel of a car. That’s why it’s important to have a plan in place before you go out so that you never have to drink and then drive. Here are some tips for celebrating New Year’s Eve while staying safe.

Stay Sober - It sounds obvious, but skipping alcohol altogether is the best way to ensure you don't drink and drive.
Designated Driver - Choose someone to take on the responsibility of designated driver for the evening. At the next party, switch off, so everyone has a chance to enjoy themselves safely.
Bring the Party Home - Invite friends to your house to celebrate with you. Offer to let them spend the night, this way they'll stay off of the roads and can drink as much as they want without worrying about how to get home.
Limit Your Drinking - If you do decide to have a glass or two of bubbly, consume only one beverage per hour and drink plenty of water. If you get carried away, find an alternative ride home. The most important thing is to avoid getting behind the wheel when you’re impaired. You can worry about getting your car back the next day. Have you been ordered by a judge to enroll in a DWI education program online? Visit today to enroll in one of our court certified courses.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Reducing Anger in the New Year

In the new year, why not resolve to work on becoming a better you through controlling your anger issues? By incorporating these simple anger management techniques into your daily life, you can take control of your anger and rage, allowing you to express your feelings better.  

·         Recognize the Signs: Often when we start feeling angry, there are physical symptoms like a racing heart, shaking, and quickening breath.
·         Remove Yourself:  When you are aware that you are getting angry, take yourself out of the situation, whether that be for 10 seconds or 10 minutes.
·         Get Physical: Channel your anger by doing something physical, such as a quick walk, running up a flight of stairs, or hitting a punching bag. Brisk exercise will help to take the edge off of your anger, enabling you to express yourself in a more controlled manner.
·         Talk to a Friend: Confide in a friend what you're feeling. Express your feelings to a person you trust in writing or by calling a helpline, to let out your frustrations.
·         Breathe: When you're stressed, part of the 'fight or flight' response is to take short, shallow breaths, so focusing on your breathing helps.
·         Anger Management Courses: AIC. American Integrity Courses is your source for court-ordered courses online. When a judge orders you to enroll in an anger management class, you can take your course online at

The next time you feel your anger rise and you want to stay in control, try these simple anger management tips. Rather than lashing out, give yourself the time and space you need to take stock of your emotions and in turn, express your anger in a healthier way.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Tips for Making Good Decisions

Life is full of decision-making. The big ones, made at crucial times in your life, they can decide the person you become and affect your future, while others can be more trivial.

Making good decisions requires forethought and effort. Deciding which cereal to eat for breakfast isn't a significant decision that involves real consequences, but choosing the right job, starting your own business, or figuring out how much you need to save for retirement can be life-changing.
The daily decisions we make create our reality and shape who we are as individuals. Do you want to start making successful choices that will continually move you in the direction of your dreams?

For those decisions that are complex and difficult to make, these are a few points to consider to help come up with a good solution.
Use your brain: It's important to find the balance between emotion (the right side) and reason (the left side).
Visualize your future: Take a moment to think about what success means to you. When you have a positive mental image, you can see yourself as a successful person.
Recognize the power behind each decision:  Before you make a decision, you need to understand the effects of your choice. Any decision that you make causes a chain of events to happen.
Listen to your gut: When you find yourself wavering between multiple options, your intuition is one of your most powerful decision-making tools.
Align your core values and decisions: Make your choices based on whether or not they align with your values, passions, and priorities.

If you have been ordered by a judge to complete a decision-making course to help you to achieve your goals, visit today.