Thursday, December 15, 2022


Auto accidents are unpredictable, but there are many measures drivers can take to protect themselves, their passengers, and everyone else on the road. These measures are the foundation of what’s often called defensive driving. During a defensive driving course, you will learn key techniques like the following.

Controlling Speed with Current Conditions in Mind: Inclement weather, construction work, and many other factors must be kept in mind when it comes to vehicle speed, no matter what the posted speed limit is.

Maintaining a Suitable Following Distance: You’ve probably heard of the three-second following distance guideline. However, did you know the recommended distance changes depending on the circumstances? Educate yourself to prevent accidents.

Responding to Aggressive Drivers: Don’t be overwhelmed by someone else’s road rage. Take a defensive driving course to learn how to respond as calmly and safely as possible.

Scanning for Pedestrians and Potential Hazards: As a driver, you have a responsibility to watch out for other people and possible hazards on the road. Train yourself to scan all sides of your vehicle efficiently.

Anticipating Other Drivers’ Actions: No one can read minds, but you can make educated guesses about what other drivers are likely to do based on your driving and road safety knowledge.

Taking Steps to Limit Distracted Driving: We’re all guilty of occasionally not giving the road our full focus. Everyone from teenagers to senior citizens should enroll in an online distracted driving course to learn how to stay safe.

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