Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How Anger Problems Can Affect Your Health – Pt. 1

fist punching through glass
Anger is insidious, seeping into your life in ways you aren’t even aware of. If you deal with anger management problems, it can affect your overall health in a big way. While anger can be healthy when we deal with it appropriately, unchecked anger can have a negative impact on your health.
Stress can make you more prone to anger, which can make it more difficult to cope with. Your emotions can escalate quickly, and trigger a fight or flight response. Also, anger and stress can feed each other, creating an endless loop of anger and stress.
Major Causes of Death
Just like stress, uncontrolled anger is linked to major cased of death like heart problems and depression. If you fail to seek treatment for your anger management problems, it can shorten your life and can severely affect your mental health.
A study from Ohio State University revealed that test subjects who could not control their anger were likely to heal from wounds more slowly. The subjects also had higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in their bodies during testing, which suggested that they were more stressed out during the experiment that the subjects who could manage their anger.
Many people who deal with anger are ordered by a judge to take anger management classes. AIC. American Integrity Courses enables you to take online anger management courses at an affordable price. Learn more at 

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