Monday, November 26, 2018

Preventing Prescription Drug Abuse

man picking up medication at pharmacy
The abuse of prescription medication, particularly opioid painkillers, has become a public health crisis in the United States. Understandably, this has many people worried about their own safety when being prescribed these potentially addicting medications. The truth is, most non-drug abusing patients who are prescribed painkillers do not become addicted. If you are worried that you have addictive tendencies, here is how you can prevent prescription drug abuse.
Give Accurate Medical History – When you visit the doctor, give them a detailed and accurate medical history. You should also described the reason for the visit as accurately as you can. This ensures that you will be given the appropriate medication for your condition.
Follow All Directions Carefully – Read all labels carefully and take all prescription drugs exactly as prescribed. Make sure you take note of the side effects and any potential interactions with other medications that you take. Be sure to tell your doctor about all of the side-effects you experience.
Keep Dose Steady – Do not change your dose and do not stop taking a medication without consulting your doctor first. Beginning and coming off of prescription medication should be directed and monitored by your doctor.
Do Not Use Medication Not Prescribed to You – This one is obvious: if your name is not on the prescription, do not take it. People who do abuse prescription drugs often become addicted because they took a medication that was not prescribed to them.
AIC. American Integrity Courses offers online substance abuse courses that you can complete on your own schedule. Enroll in a court-ordered course today at for as little as $10.

Teaching Children to Manage Anger

little girl crossing her arms
One of the things that children need to learn is how to manage their emotions. Anger is a healthy, normal emotion to feel, but many kids have problems coping with their anger in productive ways. Here are three things you can do to help them learn anger management skills.
Differentiate Feelings and Behavior
It can be hard for kids to experience feelings of anger without acting out. It’s important to teach kids to label their emotions so that they can express their anger verbally without using aggressive behaviors. Teach your child to control their actions by saying things like, “It is okay to be angry, but it is not okay to hit people.”
Set a Good Example
Our children look up to us, so they model our behaviors. For your child to develop good anger management skills, they need you to model good behavior for them. They will not learn to manage their anger productively if they see you losing your temper.
If you do lose your temper in front of them, explain why that was wrong. “I am sorry that I was yelling when I was mad. I should have taken a walk to calm down instead of raising my voice,” is an excellent way to explain anger to children.
Teach Healthy Coping Skills
When your kids express anger in aggressive ways, teach them a healthier way to cope with their anger. Say things like:
·         “Next time, use your words.”
·         “Walk away when you feel angry instead of hitting.”
·         “Is there a better way to deal with this?”
AIC. American Integrity Courses offers online anger management courses that you can complete at your own pace. Visit to enroll in a court-ordered course for as little as $10.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

drinking and driving
Alcoholism is a very serious condition that can destroy your life. Here are some signs that you may be developing this disorder:
·         You typically drink more alcohol than you intend or drink over a longer period of time.
·         You attempt and fail to cut back on your alcohol use.
·         You spend more and more time acquiring alcohol, drinking, and recovering from the effects.
·         You start experiencing cravings for alcohol.
·         Your use of alcohol starts to affect your daily life at school, work, or home.
·         You continue to drink despite the problems it is causing in your life.
·         You pull away from social, occupational, or recreational activities that you used to enjoy because you are drinking instead.
·         You drink even though you have a health issue that is worsened by alcohol.
·         You use alcohol in hazardous situations, like driving.
·         You experience withdrawal symptoms when you do not drink.
·         You begin developing a tolerance for alcohol, requiring more and more to experience the same effects.
Excessive use of alcohol can have serious effects on your life, including physical symptoms like bad breath, weight loss, dry skin and hair, premature aging, broken capillaries in your nose and face, jaundice, and bad hygiene.
There are many treatments available for those who wish to be free from alcoholism, including taking an online drug and alcohol course from AIC. American Integrity Courses. If you have been ordered by a judge to complete an educational course because of your drinking or substance abuse issues, visit today.

AIC. American Integrity Courses Offers New “John School” Course

woman in red high heels
AIC. American Integrity Courses offers court-ordered courses conveniently online from as low as $10. We are continually looking to add classes that meet the needs of our customers, so that everyone has the opportunity to take a necessary education course from the comfort of their own homes, at their own pace, for an affordable price. Our most recent addition to our extensive selection of courses is a “john” education course.
What is John School?
Our John school course is aimed at the clients of prostitutes, who are referred to as “johns” in the United States. This is a diversion program designed for people who have been arrested for soliciting the services of a prostitute, or a related offense.
A judge may order an offender to complete an educational course like this one in place of jail time. They may also offer a lighter sentence if the course is completed.
Our courses are 99.9% guaranteed to be approved in court, and completion certificates are instantly emailed to you once you complete the course. All of our courses are professionally designed. Whether you have been ordered to take a decision making course, a john school course, or even a domestic violence course, you can enroll online at