Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence (IPV), is known as a common invisible crime. An intimate partner is a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or domestic partner with whom a person is currently or formerly connected. If one understands the dynamics behind IPV that are intertwined within common behavior patterns, it is easier to spot. These cycles often bolster the denial and harsh effects that domestic abuse has on its victims.
IPV is widely known as a United States public health
crisis, and there are now court approved domestic violence classes online. The question
remains: is IPV preventable? If so, what are the proven strategies that
have been shown to lower the incidence of this prevalent form of violence?
Phases of IPV
To better understand how to prevent IPV, we have to be
able to identify it. Three phases of domestic abuse were conceptualized in the
late 1970s by psychologist Lenore Walker:
Phase 1: The
Tension Building Phase
This phase refers to the build-up to an abusive episode. Events might include
fighting over money, kids, jobs, etc. Court approved domestic violence classes online teach that verbal
abuse usually begins here, and in time, this “tension” peaks when it leads to
a physical abuse phase.
Phase 2: The
Acute Battering Episode
This phase is often the result of an external event, such as the loss of
a job, a new pregnancy, etc. It may result from the emotional state of the
abuser. A typical example is
when an abuser is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The instigating event
that sets off the abuser is usually unpredictable.
Phase 3: The
Honeymoon Phase
Court approved domestic violence classes online
teach that this part of the abuse cycle helps to cement the relationship and
convince the victim that he or she should not leave. In this phase, the
abuser may be apologetic, remorseful, and exhibit a sincere effort to be
generous and helpful.
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